Saturday, December 7, 2013


Gahhh! So my room has kind of been in shambles while I redecorate and what-not. I moved my desk out I my room to make room for one that my grandma helped me order from IKEA. So now, I'm just waiting for it to come. It's pretty much supposed to come any day now. I'm really really impatient about it coming though. Plus, I feel a little stuck with cleaning until it comes. Argh! I mean, there's stuff I can do, but it's hard because the stuff I I really want to take care of is stuff I need the desk for. Also, I think I want to get different bookshelves too.

Of course, cleaning and redecorating has kind of taken a back seat until finals are over. I can't wait until this next week is over. Then it's freedom! At least until next quarter. But I get something like 3 weeks of vacation, so, that's something. Also, my finals week coincidentally ends the same day that The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug comes out. Which means that I get to have my own little party of one to celebrate surviving my first quarter of college! Or at least it's a party of one until people come home again. Actually, that's a bit of an exaggeration. There are plenty of people here that I could go see it with. But I don't really want to see it with anyone else until I see it with some of my lunch bunch. Which may never happen, but I'm gonna hold out hope that I can which is why I'm not planning on going with a bunch of people. And that is why I'm planning on going by myself at least the first time around. 

I just want this quarter to be OVER already. One more week left. And, I'm pretty sure I'm past the worst week. I only have like 3 more things due next week and the rest is all tests. Two of them are on Monday and the last is Friday, meaning it should be a breeze. 

Anyways, hope your week went well. Fun plans? Stressing plans? Let me know! 

And now I will bid you adieu.

With Love,
PolarBearMoose <3


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