Thursday, January 30, 2014

Week 4

It's week four of winter quarter, and there are some things that I've noticed about my teachers....

My English 1A teacher specifically is a really nice guy. When I was sick the first day, he basically said he'd mark that I was there even though I wasn't. Again, super reasonable guy. Super nice. However, it uh doesn't uh seem like uh he's always um prepared. And quite frankly, I'm not sure he has a clue what he's talking about sometime. I'm not trying to be a snob or claiming to be an expert or anything, but when we talked about the meaning of certain photos from the textbook, I'm pretty sure he was making stuff up as he went along. I get interpreting photos and their different element, but when you're talking about the fact that someone took a picture of their kids, chances are, they did not pose the photo. Meaning that while yes, the fact that one kid (the one that looks miserable) is wearing dark clothing while the other one is wearing light clothing makes for an interesting interpretation, it probably wasn't intended and means nothing. He's reading into this stuff way too much. Seriously. Again, super nice guy. Easy class. But holy flying fat cats is it annoying!!

My contemporary literature teacher is super nice too. I have to admit, I was more annoyed with her style of teacher at first. And while she hasn't changed it up a whole lot, I find I'm more okay with this class than the other English class. Sure she asks a ton of open-ended questions that make you wonder exactly what answer she's looking for, but it's still an easy going class. Also, it's small so it's much less intimidating. I've been sitting next to this one guy who sprained his ankle and has been wearing a boot and when we break off into pairs, we end up discussing her teaching style sometimes. The nice part being it's much easier to talk to people and get in the swing of things in this class. Plus, she uses Turnitin, a site I am very familiar with, rather than the catalyst program. Apparently, the other English teacher uses it too, but he hasn't had anything due for Turnitin yet.

Psychology! I actually really like this professor. It's a large class, so I'm even less likely to be one of those people that raises their hand a lot (not that I was one of those people before) but I still really love the class. It's a lot of notes, but I've made some friends in the class (from the first group activity we did) and I've actually known the answer a couple times in class. Super awesome. I think I'm learning a lot in that one. And it's light on homework. There's reading, but that's about it so far. So I'm keeping up in that one.

My history teacher can swear. In fact, I'm pretty sure he drops an F-Bomb like every other sentence. But he's also a very down-to-earth teacher. He's also very entertaining to listen to. We had our first test today and I was pleasantly surprised at the difficulty level. I prepared much more than was probably necessary, but that's also probably a good thing.

And then there's yoga. Rate My Professor had all this stuff about him being relatively creepy, but so far, I haven't noticed anything. It's a very relaxing class. Although it can also be a little boring at times. Last class, I found myself counting the ceiling tiles in the room. There are 196, in case anyone's wondering.

But first quarter is going well. I actually saw two people that I recognized, though I only ended up saying hello to one of them. The other was in a conversation with someone else and going the opposite direction.

On an entirely different note, my cat is sick. His name is Silky and he's part Maine Coon meaning he's supposed to be huge. But he's lost a ton of weight very rapidly. He's not really eating, so we took him to the vet. Last time he had gone from 15lbs to 10lbs. And in the course of about 1-2 weeks he dropped to about 8lbs. The vet tested him for Feline AIDS, but luckily, he tested negative. He's going in for an ultrasound tomorrow, but I'm very worried about him. He's been given an appetite stimulant which seems to be helping him quite a bit. He ate a quarter can of wet food earlier today and is chowing down on another quarter now. I'm really praying he gets better. I've had my silky bear for about 10 years now roughly. He's been such a constant in my life, I can't imagine life without him. I hope I don't have to for another few years. He's the sweetest cat I've ever known. He's always been my Fat Boy. A lazy oaf. Of course, he's not really lazy. He is fiercely loyal though. He used to growl at the UPS guy. He also has defended my mom's fairy garden on numerous occasions from neighbor cats. I'm really worried about him right now, so prayers would be appreciated.


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