Thursday, August 15, 2013


Originally, I was going to sit down and write about a dream I had about driving, however, when I sat down, I discovered there were ants in my room. It may sound strange to you, but I am super scared of ants. Most people it's like spiders and bees and stuff. Me? It's ants. Now don't get me wrong, I don't like spiders or bees or really any other insect (except maybe butterflies and moths), but ants send me into panic attacks. It all started when I was five. My dad and I lived in an apartment, but we had a nice lawn in front of the place and some great space for outdoor play. It was summer and so it was pretty hot. I was in my speedo brand neon striped bathing suit playing in the sprinklers. I don't remember a lot about playing in the sprinklers, I just remember ants crawling up my legs and flipping out. Because essentially, they swarmed my legs. Sure they were plain old regular ants, nothing fancy like fire ants, but I freaked. I was crying and I couldn't get them off of me. So my dad hosed down my legs and they were gone, but I remember not being able to even move while they were on me, I was so scared. Since then, ants and I have not had a good relationship. I am convinced they hate me. And in return, I hate them. So when my dad came home today, I had to have him move half my stuff so we could kill the ants. Seriously, I still need my dad to take care of ants for me. Spiders I can deal with on my own. Ants, I either vacuum or have someone else deal with it. Anyway, he sprayed the house with Ortho and we went out to OSH to get some traps. But I am sleeping in the living room tonight. I hate being in the same room as ants. So hoorah for my dad for being my knight in shining armor against ants. Even though he'll make fun of me for it later, he still helped me out with this.

Is there something that freaks you out the way ants freak me out? Let me know in the comments. I will be posting about my dream later today if anyone is interested. And don't forget to check out my picture blog --> here <--

With Love,
PolarBearMoose <3


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