Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Okay, I'd like to point out, that while yes, many of my friends are starting college blogs, that is not why I'm doing this. Someone made a comment at one of the recent events I was at that "It seems like everyone is starting a college blog". Now I don't know about the other people that have started one, but I have to say that for a long time, I was on tumblr under a different username. It's true that it was recently that I switched to PolarBearMoose (hence the lack of posts) but this is not my first rodeo. And the only difference between PolarBearMoose and the other blog I was using is that I don't mind if the people I know personally read it. It's frustrating though, because all the posts I have here and on my current tumblr only go back so far. And because I don't actually want the other one to be seen, I can't point to it and show it as some kind of proof. I'm probably being way too defensive about this, but for argument's sake, I won't jump on the bandwagon just to follow the crowd. Not ever.

A side note, since we're talking about blogs, I need a different sign off than the one I have been using because mine feels kind of awkward to add in sometimes. If you have any ideas, please, let me know :)

With that I bid you adieu.

--Polar Bear Moose <3


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