Tuesday, June 10, 2014

To The Stormblades

Alright, the last time I did something like this it was because I was scared that I was losing my Lunch Bunch. My post, "To The Guys", was much more of a goodbye than anything else, and although I have not and will no say goodbye to them, I needed to create that post to express my extreme gratitude for having them when I did. But now, I need to talk about another group of people. No, I need to talk to them. And this time, I'm saying hello.

To The Stormblades,

How is it possible that any one person can know me so well in so little time, let alone a group of people? I understand now how this group of people can seem to have known each other for years and yet have only been friends for a few months. The other day, I was hanging out with quite a few of you and I'll admit, I honestly was feeling depressed. I didn't know why, I just know I didn't feel like myself and was ready to cry at the drop of a hat. At some point, Andy asked me if I was okay. I answered that I was fine, expecting that to really just be the end of it. But he asked again, clarifying that he had noticed I'd been spacing out a bit. I'm not going to lie, the fact that anyone noticed at all surprised me. There was a time when I really never felt okay and spacing out was somewhat of a norm for me. After Evan and Lauren went home, I admitted to Andy and Alan that I wasn't as okay as I wanted to be. It wasn't a sad moment though. But here's the thing- with most other people, I would be scared to admit my fears and doubts. Never before, in any group, even my Lunch Bunch, have I ever felt that I could be so completely honest with myself and with others. And yet, when I'm with the Stormblades, I find myself admitting things that I never thought I would. The stranger part? I've known this group for no more than three and a half months. Perhaps the significance of that is lost because I've been open with this group from the start, but to clarify, it took me two and a half years to feel comfortable enough to be open with my Lunch Bunch. I'm not trying to compare groups because I love both equally. I don't know all of you well at this point so I don't want to make individual comments, but I appreciate the unique personalities of all of you.

Interestingly enough, I mentioned something to Hoang after the first time I hung out with you. At the time, my cat had just died and I felt so utterly lost. I felt like I didn't know what I was doing with my life and it all felt extremely meaningless. But that day, when I hung out with the Stormblades, I felt different. I thanked Hoang later for letting me hang out with you because as I told him then, it was the first time I'd laughed, really laughed, in probably a month or two.

The Stormblades group is so impressive to me, because I didn't realize until I asked about it that your group has only recently formed. Whenever you interact with each other, it seems like you've known each other for years. At first, I didn't really understand how that was possible. But after interacting you most of you at a one-on-one level at some point even if it's not for more than twenty minutes at a time, I finally understand how you've formed this amazing group.

And because this is a greeting, I want to say that I thoroughly look forward to getting to know all of you much better. And I hope that I can affect others the way you have affected me so far. I am already so grateful to be able to call you my friends for so many reasons. Thank you for taking me in to your group so easily.

With Love,
PolarBearMoose <3

Monday, June 2, 2014

Class of 2014

Hey everyone!

Okay, one day late on when I said I'd post. Not too bad though, right? So let's talk about Saturday. If you're following me on instagram, you already know a little about my Saturday and what I'm going to talk about.

I woke up Saturday morning, checked my clock and realized, "Oh snap! I have 15 minutes to get ready and leave!" So I rushed around like crazy, grabbed everything and managed to head out the door. To what you might ask? I was going to my friend's graduation. Actually, it was multiple friends. I made it there just in time, thank goodness, found some alumni I knew, and grabbed a seat in the bleachers to watch the procession. I'm not going to lie, I was confused. I realize that a lot of people were trying to keep a straight face, but I want to know why so many people were frowning? Really, why? You're passing a major milestone of your life, you've survived four years of high school, you made it! Why would you frown? And it wasn't just one person, I saw multiple people frowning. For the most part, however, there were lots of smiles, and plenty of happy faces. The ceremony itself was beautiful. I won't go into details about the graduation itself, but I do want to take the time to address the graduating class of 2014 about the year ahead.

Congratulations. I'll start there, because you have not only made it through high school, but you've made it through at least 17 years of life and everything that has been thrown at you. For at least 17 years, you have had so many challenges thrown your way. Maybe they were small challenges and you had no problem. Maybe they were huge challenges and you didn't know how you'd get out. But you survived. It's not the end of the challenges you'll face. It's not the end of the road. And it's certainly not the last time you'll want or need to celebrate. No matter how prepared for college you think you are, you'll be caught unaware. You'll be ready for for all the things you planed for, absolutely. But you're going to have a lot of wild cards thrown your way. There are going to be a lot of things that you are completely unprepared for and it's going to be challenging. Guess what, you'll be making new friends. It doesn't matter if you're going to school with someone you're close with or not, you're going to have to make new friends. If you're going to college, classes are never going to meet your expectations.  They'll either be far more advanced than you think or far more ridiculous than you want. Don't lose hope though. You'll make it through. Celebrate the little things. Because you'll get stressed, and the community you built in high school isn't going to be as easy to get to. It's going to be harder to find support. So celebrate every small victory. But don't let the little things get you down either. Don't be afraid to talk to new people. And believe it or not, it's okay to miss class every once in a while. In the next year, a lot will change for you, there's no doubt about it. But you will be okay in the end. You can and will survive and adapt to it. I know you can. Congratulations and good luck to the class of 2014.

With Love,
PolarBearMoose <3