Friday, January 31, 2014

Silky Bear

Yesterday, I talked at the end of my post about my Silky Bear and how he isn't doing well.  There are some updates now as to what information I have on his health.

This morning we took him to the vet for an ultrasound. We took him first thing knowing the technician would be dropping by at some point during the day and we would just pick him up once he was done. As luck would have it, the technician was also there first thing in the morning, so it we didn't even have to leave him there. The news we received was not as fortunate.

One of his kidneys is larger than the other, which led the vet to believe that he potentially has renal lymphoma. While potentially this is not actually the problem, it is very likely that it is the case. He also has a growth on his shoulder which means it has infiltrated other parts of his body. We were not given an estimate on how much longer he has. To help him eat and be in less pain, he is taking prednisone and an appetite stimulant, but it will not extend his life. For nearly $2,000, we could extend his life for maybe 2 months with chemo. Is it worth it? Probably not. If we choose to only give him prednisone, he might live a normal life until it stops working. We're told that one day, he'll probably stop eating for a couple days in a row at which time we will have to make a decision: put him down or begin chemo or let him suffer. It is not worth so much to get an extra two months, and letting him suffer is definitely out. So it's just a matter of when.

Silky, who has been given many nicknames in his ten, nearly 11 years of life, has been one of my very best friends, my companion, and my constant since I was eight years old. In the time that he's been with me, this huge part Maine Coon mutt, a walking mutton piece with turkey legs for paws, has been a comfort when I have needed him. My fat boy, who has also been mistaken for a raccoon at night, is probably the gentlest cat you'd ever meet. For quite a few years after his rambunctious kitten hood, he would literally come inside (he was an indoor-outdoor cat until he became ill) to eat and sleep. Then he'd go outside and visit the neighbors who had an outdoor cat and left food on their porch. He'd make his rounds around a circle of about four or five houses, each with food left out, poop, then come inside to repeat the cycle.

We'd call him a lazy oaf, because always during the daytime, we'd see him sleeping in various spots including a napkin basket on top of the fridge. When he woke from his cat naps, he'd be ready to go outside again and would sit on a table by the door, looking out the window, meowing every time someone passed as if to say, "Let me out!" If a mailman was there, or the UPS guy, he'd growl, protecting his family and his turf from outsiders. Sometimes, he would sit on a window sill in the kitchen, watching the birds make a nest in the awning. He'd chatter his familiar hunting call, stick his paws up on the window and try to get at them.

When we recently got a kitten, he was such a trooper. He batted the cat away and avoided him, but never was mean or hurt the new kitten. He always was and is patient with my little brother who is six. Even when my little brother is being a toad and won’t leave him alone, Silky is still the most loving and calm cat.

He’s also not afraid to fight to protect those he loves. One night a few months ago, I was reading to my little brother when I heard hissing from outside. I went to check to make sure it wasn’t one of my cats and to make sure if it was one of mine, they weren’t hurt. I saw Silky in a stare-down with another neighboring cat. Knowing my bunny bear’s temperament, I thought my Silky bear was getting bullied; so I went to try to break up the fight and chase off the other cat. What ended up happening was the other cat ran across the street after he saw me walking toward him and my fatty ran after him!

I'm not ready to let him go yet. I don't know that I'll ever be ready. I knew one day I'd have to say goodbye, but I thought I'd have so much more time. Losing such an important member of my family is difficult. This will not be the first time we have dealt with a loss of a family pet either. There have been four before him who have passed. Oreo was long before we had a backyard, but his brother Mr. Cinnamon who passed when I was ten, was given the first of our backyard burials. Oreo and Mr. C were both my grandma's cats. It would be a year later that my mom lost 18 year old Trucker. And just a couple years ago, we lost 22 year old Furfle. Each, except for Oreo, was given a rose bush in the backyard as a replacement for headstones. Each was wrapped in their favorite blanket, the one that they claimed and always slept on. When Silky's time comes, and I suspect it will, much sooner than I'd like to admit, he'll probably get the napkin basket as well as a blanket. He means the world to me and  I don't want to let him go.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Week 4

It's week four of winter quarter, and there are some things that I've noticed about my teachers....

My English 1A teacher specifically is a really nice guy. When I was sick the first day, he basically said he'd mark that I was there even though I wasn't. Again, super reasonable guy. Super nice. However, it uh doesn't uh seem like uh he's always um prepared. And quite frankly, I'm not sure he has a clue what he's talking about sometime. I'm not trying to be a snob or claiming to be an expert or anything, but when we talked about the meaning of certain photos from the textbook, I'm pretty sure he was making stuff up as he went along. I get interpreting photos and their different element, but when you're talking about the fact that someone took a picture of their kids, chances are, they did not pose the photo. Meaning that while yes, the fact that one kid (the one that looks miserable) is wearing dark clothing while the other one is wearing light clothing makes for an interesting interpretation, it probably wasn't intended and means nothing. He's reading into this stuff way too much. Seriously. Again, super nice guy. Easy class. But holy flying fat cats is it annoying!!

My contemporary literature teacher is super nice too. I have to admit, I was more annoyed with her style of teacher at first. And while she hasn't changed it up a whole lot, I find I'm more okay with this class than the other English class. Sure she asks a ton of open-ended questions that make you wonder exactly what answer she's looking for, but it's still an easy going class. Also, it's small so it's much less intimidating. I've been sitting next to this one guy who sprained his ankle and has been wearing a boot and when we break off into pairs, we end up discussing her teaching style sometimes. The nice part being it's much easier to talk to people and get in the swing of things in this class. Plus, she uses Turnitin, a site I am very familiar with, rather than the catalyst program. Apparently, the other English teacher uses it too, but he hasn't had anything due for Turnitin yet.

Psychology! I actually really like this professor. It's a large class, so I'm even less likely to be one of those people that raises their hand a lot (not that I was one of those people before) but I still really love the class. It's a lot of notes, but I've made some friends in the class (from the first group activity we did) and I've actually known the answer a couple times in class. Super awesome. I think I'm learning a lot in that one. And it's light on homework. There's reading, but that's about it so far. So I'm keeping up in that one.

My history teacher can swear. In fact, I'm pretty sure he drops an F-Bomb like every other sentence. But he's also a very down-to-earth teacher. He's also very entertaining to listen to. We had our first test today and I was pleasantly surprised at the difficulty level. I prepared much more than was probably necessary, but that's also probably a good thing.

And then there's yoga. Rate My Professor had all this stuff about him being relatively creepy, but so far, I haven't noticed anything. It's a very relaxing class. Although it can also be a little boring at times. Last class, I found myself counting the ceiling tiles in the room. There are 196, in case anyone's wondering.

But first quarter is going well. I actually saw two people that I recognized, though I only ended up saying hello to one of them. The other was in a conversation with someone else and going the opposite direction.

On an entirely different note, my cat is sick. His name is Silky and he's part Maine Coon meaning he's supposed to be huge. But he's lost a ton of weight very rapidly. He's not really eating, so we took him to the vet. Last time he had gone from 15lbs to 10lbs. And in the course of about 1-2 weeks he dropped to about 8lbs. The vet tested him for Feline AIDS, but luckily, he tested negative. He's going in for an ultrasound tomorrow, but I'm very worried about him. He's been given an appetite stimulant which seems to be helping him quite a bit. He ate a quarter can of wet food earlier today and is chowing down on another quarter now. I'm really praying he gets better. I've had my silky bear for about 10 years now roughly. He's been such a constant in my life, I can't imagine life without him. I hope I don't have to for another few years. He's the sweetest cat I've ever known. He's always been my Fat Boy. A lazy oaf. Of course, he's not really lazy. He is fiercely loyal though. He used to growl at the UPS guy. He also has defended my mom's fairy garden on numerous occasions from neighbor cats. I'm really worried about him right now, so prayers would be appreciated.

Monday, January 20, 2014


Wow, has it really only been two days since I last posted? Usually, I'm so busy with stuff it takes me a week or so. Of course it helps that I had a friendly reminder.

But the title says progress, what progress?

Cleaning progress.  Now, I know I've been saying it for a while, both here and IRL that I'm working on cleaning up my room and reorganizing. And I get that for some of you are probably thinking, "Gee, how long can it take?" Well, let me clear up some stuff. Not only have I been reorganizing, but I've been moving furniture around, getting new furniture to replace some older stuff, and preparing for a super big change in living space. I'm sorry to be super vague, but I can't really say much about that change at this point in time.

Anyways, I finally got rid of my trundle bed mattress which means that I now have some new storage space under my bed, except that I need to make a few modifications. Specifically, I'm removing the slats that held the mattress and replacing them with support that will be a bit closer to the ground so I can actually store stuff under my bed.
I'm also moving a ton of jewelry making tools into a newly cleared out spot. I still need to move my bulletin board to a different wall, move my mirror up half a foot (and that thing is crazy heavy). Get rid of my old bookcases, reattach a smiley face to one of the decorations I have hanging from my ceiling, put more photos on the wall, shift things into my desk, hang up one more large key, and more. Seriously, my list feels like it never ends. I have to get the support mods done to put away half the stuff, and a good chunk of other stuff I need to retrieve from my dad's place.

Now add in job apps and school. That's why this project is taking me so long. In theory, I could have had a lot of it done over various school breaks, but on those longer breaks, I like to spend time with my friends for the short time they're here.

This weekend though, I got a lot done toward this project with my room. I organized most of my books, cleared out some space, and got my desktop computer set up finally. Now, I can actually work on homework efficiently as well as photography without waiting to go to my dad's house to do it. So yeah. Progress.

I'm not the only one working toward reorganizing though. My mom has been fixing up Keegan's room to make it "Star Warsy". He's got new paint, new sheets, a new bed spread, posters, and a new cabinet coming in. His room project is going much faster than mine is. Of course to be fair, he's got my mom working on it. For a project this large, I might have asked my mom for help, but I needed to do this one on my own, therefore, it's taking a lot longer. It doesn't help that I'm a really messy person normally.

Speaking of star wars though, it's time for my fun fact of the day!

My mom is a bigger star wars nerd than I am, and that's pretty impressive. She was part of the original star wars fan club and she kept pretty much all of the stuff from when she was like 13. This includes trading cards, Bantha Tracks (the name of the official fan club publications) up to something like issue 30, bubble gum wrappers, people magazine's special on star wars, sketches and drawn scenes by Ralph McQuarrie, and stickers. She was showing me some of this stuff the other day and I have to say I was very impressed. I also know where I get it from.

Sometimes it's almost scary how alike my mom and I are. I was looking through old family photos the other day (I needed to scan one for an English paper) and I found some from when I mom was in her twenties. The family resemblance is very, very evident. And then I saw a picture of my great-grandma Myrtle from when she was fairly young. Schmolies, she and my mom looked similar. I swear just a little different haircut on my mom and you might never know. It's really interesting (to me at least) to notice that older picture of Myrtle look very similar to my grandma now. The Schmidt line clearly has some very dominant traits being passed down.

But enough tangents. I have more job applications to fill out and plenty to do in my room before the little one goes to bed. And, I need to repair some jewelry for someone because I was supposed to have done it like a month ago. So yeah. Much art. Such busy.

Do you have any crazy projects you're working on? Let me know!

With Love,
PolarBearMoose <3

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Artsy Stuffs!

I'm so freakin' excited right now. Like, you have no idea.

First, updates on just life in general. I finally got my voice back!! YAY! So excite. Such wow. Also, it's a three day weekend, so yippee!

Second week of classes went fairly well. I only had psych class twice cause the teacher was out on Monday and Thursday. I'm not complaining. I'm making some really exciting spring break plans, though I don't want to say anything in case it doesn't end up happening. When I know for sure that it is, I will update for sure.

Onto why I'm so excited:

So, 500px is great for just photography and stuff, but it doesn't seem to be all that well known of a site. So even though I sell prints there (at least I'm pretty sure I am), I don't really sell a lot of prints. So, I decided to take advantage of the Deviant Art account that I've had open for the past three years, but never uploaded anything. So I just uploaded a couple of my photos to Deviant Art (links to my profile are in the sidebar) and I will be selling prints on Deviant as well! Of course, I don't necessarily expect to get any more business this way, but it would be really, really cool if I did. I'm just gonna go upload some more photos so I have more than 7 there, though not all of them will be available as prints. Eek! Super duper uber excited right now. But yeah, you should check it out.

Okay, enough shameless self-promotion.

What kind of exciting things have you all been up to? Let me know!

With Love,
PolarBearMoose <3

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Winter Quarter Begins

I actually made it to class today. Woohoo! Except that by the end of the day yesterday, I knew I could say so long to my voice for today. I made all these cute little notecards to help me out so I wouldn't have to say too much. I barely said anything all day except in whispers. By the time I got home today, my voice was a little better! So I started talking to my family and stuff. Unfortunately, that made it worse. So it's sayonara to my voice tomorrow as well. I know, I know. It's my own fault for talking this afternoon. But it stinks!!! I mean, for the most part I can communicate, that's no the issue. Believe it or not though, I like talking. I like being able to converse with people  without sounding ridiculous. But more than that though, the part I miss about my voice the most is being able to sing along with my music in the car. It's something I do to keep me from swearing at other drivers. Plus, I like singing. I actually enjoy listening to the radio and being able to sing every word. Although, I usually only do that when I'm alone in the car. When other people are there, I like making conversation. Seriously. Losing your voice sucks. And if you've had it happen to you, then you understand.

But enough about me being sick. Let's talk about the new quarter. Did you know that "Rate My Professor" is a fantastic and beautiful thing? Because this quarter (though I have yet to meet the yoga teacher), I love every one of my teachers. They are seriously respectable people. My history teacher said pretty much, he doesn't care if he's liked. It's more about respect to him. Which I can totally agree with. He's been pretty straight up, which I appreciate about my teachers. That's actually something that I respect from most people. Like, if I ask you something, I may not like your answer, but that's my problem, I can deal. Just don't give me some pile of bull because you don't want to hurt my feelings. Now that's not to say that I don't appreciate tact either. But there's a difference between tact and BS. Kay folks? You can be truthful without being a butt. Anyways. Where was I? Ah yes. Teachers. My psych teacher also seems to be pretty straight up honest too. Again, I appreciate that. My English Writing teacher seems pretty nice. He was the first to respond to my email about not being there the first day. He was just like, okay cool. I got you covered. That was nice. My E-Lit teacher seems.........blonde. And very....all over the place. Nice, but not exactly a "Life's tough" kind of teacher. But we'll see how the quarter goes.

Oh that reminds me. So I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I've seen like five or six people that I used to be friends with in elementary school at my school. I'm pretty sure they don't recognize me. Except for one guy who I used to pass on my way to math. He was coming from where I was headed. Every time we passed though we always said hi. So I know at least he recognized me. But the point I was really getting to is that in my psych class is not one, but two people from my elementary school AND I think someone I recognize from high school tech a few years older than me. So how about that, eh?

Oh, okay, last reason I'm excited about Winter quarter before I go: I actually have homework! Eek! It's been so long. I can't believe I'm saying it, but it's true. I need things to keep me busy! I don't want to sit still at all! I want to get things done! I'm ready to go! I'm sure I'll be sick of it by he end of the quarter, so I'll enjoy it while I can.

Aight guys. I gotta go! I have things to do. Like homework. And cleaning and stuff.

Adios readers! Good luck!

With Love,
PolarBearMoose <3

Sunday, January 5, 2014

I'm sick. Again.

I'm sure I've said it before, but I'll say it again. Being sick sucks. About 3 days ago, I was coughing like crazy. So I took cough drops and ibuprofen and seemed to be mostly fine. But then the next day, I woke up with a fever of 102.3. Based on the soreness of my throat, I grabbed a flashlight (after taking serious ibuprofen to take care of the dizziness from the fever) and checked the back of my throat. Thank goodness, it's NOT strep. Then yesterday, I was actually starting to feel vaguely better, I only took ibuprofen once that day and it seemed like I was gonna be fine. But then I woke up this morning, first at seven with a killer cough and sore throat, and again at nine, and this is after going to sleep with cough drop.

Now, as much as I hate being sick, I can deal usually. But the quarter starts on Monday. I have classes to go to. First day of new classes to go to. I can't miss the first day, but I feel like absolute crud right now. Ugh. I mean, if I'm going to be coughing out a lung, I'd rather be in bed doing it.

Anyways, for my college bound readers, I hope you enjoy a sickness free quarter/semester. And if you do get sick (again), don't be stubborn a don't let it get super bad. You know who you are.

To my non-college bound readers, I hope you enjoy as much of the next 3 months or so as sickness free with possible. I'm sure I'll have come down with some cold or flu or something again by that time, so I'll wish you more good health at that point again too.


With Love,
PolarBearMoose <3

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Eve

Hello all!

Firstly, I'd like to wish all my readers a fantastic New Year's! You made it through 2013, but now it's time to create new experiences, memories, and even mistakes. May you be blessed through 2014, creating both experiences and mistakes to learn and grow from, good memories to look back on, and strong new friendships.

And now, some reflections.

2013, for me at least, was such a busy year! Honestly, it was my busiest yet! But not in a bad way. In fact, I enjoyed the busy. Almost always having something to do. My hope for the coming year is to be just as busy with friends and family. (Also on my list: getting a part time job. Not looking forward to that one as much.) Things I've done this year? Well, I graduated high school. I went to my school's version of prom and homecoming. I spent the perfect amount of time with friends. Sure, I had some downfalls. Sometimes, things didn't always look bright. But in retrospect, I feel blessed for every moment I've had.  And I challenge you to look back on your year, briefly, celebrate the good and the bad, then continue to this new year with a positive attitude and absolutely no sadness from the previous year. The past is in the past and now is a clean new year.

So now that we've covered all those shenanigans and motivating words. Let's talk New Year's Eve parties, shall we?

Now, I don't know what kind of celebrations you all have. Maybe you spend the evening with just family, I know my family did that for quite sometime. Maybe you have wild parties. Do you watch the ball drop? Set off fireworks?

Last year, I myself went to a very enthusiastic and loud party at my friend Kayla's place. And while I was invited again this year, I chose instead to spend it at Mrs. I's place with GI, Mr. I, and plenty of familiar people. NH, IN, RP, MJ and so many more. Now, having never been to their annual party, I had no idea what to expect. I think I overdressed a little. Oh well. I like the skirt I wore. Totally worth it. But jeans would probably have been the smarter move. Anywho, it was very much a family style gathering. Apparently, a tradition they have is to celebrate New Year's once at 9:30 (originally for the little kids, who are now in college) and then again at Midnight. I liked that. It was really fun to learn to play so many new games. And, I was able to stay a bit longer to play video games with GI. I actually kind of made progress in Batman: Arkham Asylum! Yay! Progress! And basically, around 2:30 when everyone else left, GI and I pulled an all-nighter to play Batman. Which was really fun! Despite my terror of Killer Croc. Almost worse than Fern Gully. Almost. Anywho, I'm actually about to hit the sack. Despite the fact that it's 7:40, because, I'm exhausted.

But, please, tell me, what was your New Year's Eve like?

With Love,
PolarBearMoose <3