Sunday, October 6, 2013

Rocky Horror

So yesterday, I was invited to go see Rocky Horror at Psycho Donuts in San Jose. At first, I was hesitant to go, especially as a "virgin" to seeing it in theaters. But, I had to drop Lauren off and was taking cosplay pictures for her (she was meeting a Homestuck group).  Since I already had to pay for parking that night, I figured, why the heck not, and decided to stay for the movie. We arrived way too early in order to grab dinner at Pizza My Heart down the street and take pictures while there was still some light. Lauren's friend Raz joined us around 5:30 ish and we all chilled outside the Psycho Donuts. But it got really creepy, really quickly. All of a sudden, three guys came up and started chatting us up, which was fine, except that at least two of them were clearly high on something. Lauren and Raz are both gay, so the most attention they got was asking questions about why they were gay, which they were pretty much chill about answering, though they were still just as creeped out by the fact that the three guys wouldn't leave. I on the other hand, answered honestly that I was not. I feel like I should've lied though. Clearly these men were trying to flirt, or something, but none of us were interested at all. At one point, one of the guys (who was still slightly coherent) asked me if I smoked or drank. I answered very honestly that no, I am a Christian and it goes against my morals to do so especially under the age of 21. He being the only one who seemed to understand that none of us were interested, replied, "I respect that, I'll leave you alone now" and walked away. One down, two to go. But these guys would not let up. They were asking about random things like our favorite colors and would we dye our hair crazy colors. I ended up being called "Turquoise" because of this. These guys were suave, certainly in their comments, but still, none of us were interested at all. Finally, more of the cosplayers that Lauren was meeting showed up and we were able to escape the remaining two. We walked inside the Psycho Donuts and stayed there til we knew they had left. Eventually, the whole group walked to a Safeway where I happened to notice that one of the two that wouldn't quit was being escorted out by security. When we made it outside, the security guard was just coming back and commented, "We get tired of being threatened sometimes". And that just made Lauren and I even more wigged out by these guys. It made me happy that I was there with a group of people, cause I honestly don't know what I'd have done had I been by myself.

Back to Rocky though!

After another hour or so, much more people arrived. Including a Brony group! I had been basically dragged along for the most part on this trip and so didn't know anyone in the Homestuck group. And because I don't read Homestuck, I didn't have anything in common with these folks. I did, however, bond with the Bronies. Because I actually follow that fandom, I could relate a bit more to that group. I actually ended up sitting with them instead of the Homestuck group for the movie. Shoutout to Craig who apparently for Fanime goes as Dr. Whooves. In other words, 10th Doctor, but with a cutie mark on his trench coat, and ears and a tail. Best pony. No questions asked. Thanks for being more relatable with an awesome pony doctor shirt!

I hope all you had a less creepy Saturday than I did. Seriously.

With Love,
PolarBearMoose <3


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