Thursday, September 5, 2013

2nd Wave

So, according to some of my college bound friends, you are a first waver if you left a certain week in August and a second waver is you leave (or start school) in September. It's caught on for most people, but I just can't do it. All I can think about is the Xanth series by Piers Anthony where the second wave is an army of savages that pillages the magical land of Xanth. Yeah. Excuse me while I go be a nerd in my own little corner. Btw, major bonus points to anyone who actually understands what on earth I'm talking about.

On a different note, I went to see The Mortal Instruments with AC a couple days ago and I did post that night, but not about the movie. Having not read the books, I'll admit, I was super confused. But I liked it. Although, I was also extremely happy to see Robert Sheehan from Misfits (which honestly, I don't recommend. It's highly inappropriate, so if you do decide to see it, you were warned). But Robert's character Nathan is one of my favorites from the show, so I was super excited when I realized who it was. Also, for those warehouse fans out there, Mrs. Fredericks was in it!! Which was also exciting to see. So, yeah, I was happy to recognize some folks. Otherwise, I was just creeped out.

And on an entirely different note from that! Yesterday was my boyfriend's birthday as well as my friend RP. For NH, I went with his family to this restaurant called igatti which is an Italian place, but they serve gluten free food, which is why we went. We had a wonderful meal celebrating NH, but his family surprised me by telling the waiting staff that they were celebrating my birthday too since mine is next week and they would be out of town on my birthday. It was really sweet.

Okay, enough tangents.

With that I bid you adieu!

PolarBearMoose <3


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