Sunday, November 17, 2013

My Weekend *UPDATED*

So, these past few days have been kind of crazy busy. Thursday, I started a massive to do list longer than my arm. And I continued that list into the weekend and even made myself one for tomorrow. I kid you not, the next week is going to be nuts. I'm really just trying to stay busy until Thanksgiving break. I'm counting down the days, so it's probably going to be a long week.

But here are some things that I didn't get around to blogging about until today:

Friday November 15th:

I went to digital photography! And got to model! I'm very excited to go back on Monday and visit a little more. And since it was a Friday, I got to stick around longer to talk to people cause my class didn't start until 11:30! Woot!

But then, I went to a camera store to see if I could get my twin reflex past this one step I was stuck on to keep building it. And they told me the spring was the wrong size, soooo, it won't work. Ugh!! So now I have to call the company and ask about it. Joy.

So I went to this Thanksgiving party thing at my dad's work, which was pretty boring since I don't really know anyone there. I left pretty early to go to my grandma's place and got caught in rush hour traffic, when my car started over heating! It took another 10 minutes for me to be able to pull into a gas station and actually do something about it. Darned rush hour traffic. Fortunately, I don't think anything was broken in my car. I think it just needed coolant. And lots of it. I made it safely to my grandma's but poor Gertie (My car's name is Gertrude) is going in for a check-up this weekend.

Saturday November 16th:

I went to IKEA with my grandma cause we were getting a new desk for my room. I'm super excited! Yay! And we found the perfect desk chair to go with it too. Score! Anyways, my grandma's never been to IKEA before, so it was an adventure to get there and walk around. Lauren met us there to help us find stuff. We'd have been lost otherwise. I found the desk, but it was order only, so we decided to do that along with the chair. We headed back to my mom's house where Lauren and I hung out for an hour before going to the mall.

It was really just a people watch experience. But I got some cool bracelets out of it! And I got to know Raz, Lauren's girlfriend, a little better too, so al in all, I'd say it was a good day. Also, I made plans to hang out with Christy tomorrow. Hoorah!


So, I have to keep doing laundry, but later I get to chill with Christy and Lauren which is something the three of us have not done in forever. Anyways, I guess that's all.

Tell me how your weekend or week has been! Maybe you have a crazy story or an awesome thing going on, I don't know!

With that I bid you adieu!

With love,
PolarBearMoose <3

------------------ *UPDATED 11/19/13*---------------------

So about Gertie. Remember how I said she was going in for a check-up? Yeah. So my step-dad decided to wait until Sunday to try to take her in. Whatevs. Except the shop was closed on Sundays. So I had to drive his car to school Monday since Gertie still needed to go in. Again, whatevs. It wasn't a big deal to drive a different car, except that my ping permit for school is a window sticker. On Gertie. So guess who forgot to buy a temp one at school Monday morning? This girl. Even better, guess who got a $45 parking citation for not having a permit? This girl. Am I angry at the security that gives citations? No, not really. Am I pissed and frustrated about my car not going in til Monday afternoon? You bet I am. And on top of her needing to go in, she definitely has a leak somewhere in the coolant system or radiator or where ever it is. Which means dear readers, I don't have a parking permit for school for probably the next week. So I asked my friend Tim where he parks, cause I know he doesn't park on campus, and he told me basically across the street, but said it was a 5 to 10 minute walk. No big. I can deal. The parking is free, and I'd rather do that than pay close to $15 for a week of parking on campus. *sigh* Anyways, I need to get back to my to do list. Adios.


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