Thursday, November 21, 2013

Panic Attacks

Very recently, I started having more intense panic attacks. Not too often, but when I set one off, I become incapacitated with nausea and cold sweats. It's horrendous and exhausting and quite frankly, I don't like it. So back toward the middle of October, I talked to my therapist who recommended I start taking some form of meditation or breathing class. Which I did. I started a Qigong class at the Y. Now I've only been going a few weeks, but all in all, I've enjoyed it and have been able to for the most part get things done correctly. And I hadn't had a panic attack so it seemed like it was working. And then I went this evening. I had a panic attack in the middle of the class.

*NOTE: If you panic by reading about other people's symptoms, skip to the next asterisk

Suddenly, I felt like I had something caught in my throat and I couldn't breathe which quickly transitioned to feeling like I would be sick all over the floor. I stopped doing the exercise and stood perfectly still for a moment hoping that it would pass quickly. But just my luck, it didn't. I quietly left the room to find the convenient water fountain right outside the door. I drank a little hoping it would help, but of course, it didn't much. When I came back in, I sat behind the others who were continuing unaware. Kate (the instructor) had them continue while she came and sat in front of me and checked to make sure I was okay. Luckily for me this panic attack did not last as long as others that I've had and the nausea was already starting to fade. But, it was creeping slowly to a few rounds of switches from intense heat to cold sweat. Finally, it had seemed to pass, enough so that I could continue the exercises.


According to the instructor, Kate, my panic attack meant that I was touching my qi in the right way. Now please forgive me readers if I don't quite believe that to be the case. I've had a lot of stressors this week and any one of them could have led to this. The scary part for me was that it seemed to come from no where. Just all of a sudden BOOM. Panic attack. Growing up, I've dealt with anxiety a lot. And I know exactly what all my anxiety symptoms are. If it's anxiety, I can tell immediately. Which is probably really good, but at the same time, who but a person who deals with anxiety pain a lot would know that? What normal teenager knows that about themselves? Sometimes, being a crazy person sucks.

Anyways, I hope your Thursday has been panic free. But let me know!

With that, I bid you adieu.

With Love,
PolarBearMoose <3


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