Friday, November 8, 2013

Learning to Make Lefse: Part 1

So, before I begin, I should start by catching you all up on the week. So, Keegan had his birthday party with all his friends on Wednesday at Pump It Up. Well, he decided that he wanted both little AND big Nathan to be there. So NH (aka Big Nathan) was there, with Gluten free cupcakes for some of K-2 (aka Keegan)'s friends that are gluten intolerant. So that was fun.

Today, my G'pa and G'ma Oregon came down from, you guessed it, Oregon. They came to both give Keegan a gift and teach both my mom and me how to make Lefse, a Norwegian bread. It's a potato bread instead of corn I guess and it's supposed to be a lot like a tortilla or flat bread. Well, anyways, today was a lot more prep for mixing and rolling out the dough. So we boiled the potatoes, peeled them, added a few other ingredients, and then it got fun. See apparently, the mixing is something you do by hand. Which means I got to stick my hands into this really goopy potato mix. It was essentially mash potatoes at that point, but I got to play with it! I wish I had taken some pictures, or at least had someone else take some pictures. I think tomorrow I will. Anyways, the mix has to be refrigerated all night, so I get to continue this tomorrow! I'll definitely have some pictures of the results at least, though I hope to have some of the rest of the process.

Other news of the day: I had a math test that I'm pretty sure I failed. Also, apparently, The Book Thief, a movie I've been waiting for since mid September, isn't coming to my area until November 15th, which sucks!! I got the book for my birthday after seeing a preview for the movie and going, "Oh, hey! That looks interesting!" So I read the book within the week of getting it (I'm a fast reader) as well as 5 other books I received. I absolutely loved the book. I really liked both the narrator and the fact that the story was not entirely chronological. It forced me to go back and re-read to try and figure out what I was missing and it definitely captured my attention. But anyways, the movie is being released today. I can't wait for it to start showing around here. Seriously. So excited.

Oh yeah! I almost forgot, but also on Wednesday, the dean of students (I think) and two coast guard members came to visit my anthropology class, as well as I guess the mayor? It made for a very interesting day. I guess they were having some sort of veteran's ceremony in the main quad since the campus will be closed on the actual Veteran's Day. I don't know. I couldn't stay for it, unfortunately. With Keegan's thing going on and me being a driver, I had o get home so I could shower and change into Kindergartener appropriate clothing. Meaning something that could survive wear and tear.

Anywho, how was your week? For those of you that know a lot about the culture you came from, do you have a favorite dish that your family likes to make? Let me know!

With Love,
PolarBearMoose <3


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