Thursday, August 15, 2013

Photograpy Captions

Look, I'm no expert, okay? And I'm not a photojournalist, nor will I ever be. I'm not taking pictures for a news story, but my photos do have a story behind them. You can interpret how you will and just ignore what ever I tell you about it, but I'm not going to put a one or two sentence tagline in the "caption" area that doesn't tell you the story. I try and keep it short, but some stories are longer than others. When the story is really long (as in multiple paragraphs), I put it here. My goal is to share the stories I learn and tell you about the little things in life that make a difference. Sure a picture of a dandelion might not be important to you, but if I have a picture of one, it's because there's something unique about why I took it. Sure sometimes I post filler pictures that I took from vacations or something, but I tell you in my captions why I took it. Maybe somebody else's dog may not be important and world famous, but his story could change your day hearing about it. The news and media today does not highlight the good things in life, and while no, I am not a photojournalist, I do want to share why the little things are important too.

To check out some of my photos, go --> here <--

With love,
PolarBearMoose <3


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